Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Arizona Cardinals are our favorite team. We went to see them play the first weekend in December. As you can see from the pictures the tailgate party is half the fun. Wow - there are some crazy people out there. We try to get over there for at least one game per year. If we are lucky, we hit a couple.
Cindy usually sets us up to go the the Suns basketball game the night before and sets us up in "suite" seats! We love going over to Phoenix for games!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pine View Panthers 8th Grade Football

Ozzy's motto this year was "Quality H2O". He had surgery on his knee two weeks after football season started. He was on crutches for a few weeks and restricted activity almost all of football season. He stuck in there though and went to every practice and game. He was the "Waterboy" for the whole season, except for the last two games. He talked his doc into releasing him to play just before the last game. He did get a few plays in. His team played for the championship so he was lucky enough to get one more game, in which he even got to play a little more. Ozzy is #24.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Family Pictures

Family Pictures taken in November 2009

Albuquereque New Mexico

I went had the opportunity to visit my mom while she is serving a mission in Albuquerque, NM. I flew over and spent 4 days there. While there we were able to visit Old Down Town where the first settlers and mission was, Chaco Canyon (Indian ruins) and also the LDS temple. We spent some time shopping and also went to mom's ceramics class and made a few Christmas ornaments. I had a great time!

The Proposal

November 10, 2009, Tyler and MacKenzie flew to Provo to take Tyler to the MTC. While there, Mackenzie Morrison (nephew) made a surprise visit to his sweetheart, Julie Hansen, to ask her to marry him. Julie is a student at BYU and this has been a TOUGH semester for them being so far apart. Can you just imagine, in the old days, when they didn't have cell phones to be in constant contact!!
(Now who could turn down a face like that!)
Best wishes you two!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


November has been an exciting month for our family. Tyler Morrison (nephew) entered the MTC on November 11, 2009 to serve in the Riverside, California mission. We will miss him so much but we are lucky enough to enjoy his humor in the letters he writes home. We are so proud of you Ty.

Picture(left to right): Derek Hughes, Andy Bolos, Josh Jensen, Adam Bangerter

Andy Bolos (we'll claim him as one of our sons) has been called to the Washington DC South Mission. He spoke in church on Sunday, Nov. 15. These are a few pictures after church. Andy entered the MTC on December 2, 2009 and will report to Washington DC on December 23, 2009