Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

If you guessed that this is Ozzy's knee and it WAY to big to be on a 13 year old - You're right!
It's offical, he's got the Burch Family "Kneasles". We spent a few hours at Insta Care after he injured his knee while playing in the last game of the season on Saturday. We have to go see an orthopaedic specialist next week. (P.S. For a good laugh, you need to ask Becky what Ethan said when we sent her a picture of his knee while we were still at the doc's.)
He's in alot of pain, thank goodness for pain pills!
Before pain pills....

After pain pills...

1 comment:

hailey morrison said...

that has got to hert ozzy hope you get better

love hailey morrison!!!